Individual SBII Calculation

Step1: Upload EDF and XML Files

Please wait a few moments after clicking "UPLOAD FILES", duration may vary based on file size ( < 120MB per upload).
Do not leave this page during the upload.

Step2: Please select the Oxygen Saturation Channel and click 'SUBMIT' to generate SBII results



  1. Please follow steps 1 and 2 sequentially.

    • In step 1, use the two separate upload buttons to upload the EDF and XML files.
    • · Make sure both files have identical names except for the extension, such as "test.edf" and "test.xml".
    • · After selecting the correct files, click "UPLOAD FILES".

  2. After successful file upload, you will receive a Job ID for this session. All channel names contained within the EDF file will be listed and available for selection in the dropdown menu in step 2.

  3. In step 2, choose the oxygen saturation channel from the dropdown menu and click "SUBMIT." The program will automatically calculate SBII and display it on the current page.

  4. If you forget to select a channel in step 2 and submit, an error message will appear. In this case, there's no need to re-upload files from step 1. Simply select the correct channel and resubmit.
    Please note that once SBII results are displayed on the page (i.e., when the calculation is successful), the original uploaded files will be immediately deleted. If you wish to recalculate, you will need to re-upload the files in step 1.

  5. Ensure that the Job ID in step 1 precisely matches the one in step 2 to guarantee precise calculation results.

  6. Additionally, the calculation results for pRED_3p will be simultaneously displayed on the web platform.

  7. The final SBII and pRED_3p indices both need to be divided by Total Sleep Time (TST, hours), which can be readily obtained from the polysomnography (PSG) report.