从事细菌(主要是沙门氏菌)致病性、进化及生物信息学研究,已发表SCI论文63篇(通讯作者18篇,第一作者13篇,2016年来在J Exp Med、EBioMedicine、Commun Biol、Oncogene、Environ Microbiol、App Environ Microbiol、Bioinformatics、J Pathol、Infect Immun等中科院1区/2区TOP期刊发表第一或通讯作者论文12篇),论文被引1700余次(Google学术),H指数23。获得专利授权4项。开发软件和数据库50余项,其中获得软件著作权授权20项。受邀主编Springer转录组数据分析方法图书一册。
[1] 通讯作者,中科院二区TOP,Mosaic Evolution of Beta Barrel Porin Encoding Genes in Escherichia coli. 2022.02, Appl Environ Microbiol, In press.
[2] 通讯作者,中科院二区TOP,T1SEstacker: A Tri-Layer Stacking Model Effectively Predicts Bacterial Type 1 Secreted Proteins Based on C-Terminal Non-repeats-in-Toxin-Motif Sequence Features. 2022.02, Front Microbiol, 12:813094.
[3] 第一作者(2/3),中科院一区TOP,Single-cell immune profiling reveals functional diversity of T cells in tuberculous pleural effusion. 2022.01, J Exp Med, 219(3):e20211777.
[4] 通讯作者,中科院二区,Computational prediction of secreted proteins in gram-negative bacteria. 2021.03, Comput Struct Biotechnol J, 19:1806-28.
[5] 通讯作者,中科院二区,T3SEpp: an Integrated Prediction Pipeline for Bacterial Type III Secreted Effectors. 2020.08, mSystems, 5:e00288-20.
[6] 通讯作者,中科院二区,A Multi-Gene Model Effectively Predicts the Overall Prognosis of Stomach Adenocarcinomas With Large Genetic Heterogeneity Using Somatic Mutation Features. 2020.08, Front Genet, 11:940.
[7] 通讯作者,中科院一区TOP,Improving the diversity of captured full-length isoforms using a normalized single-molecule RNA-sequencing method. 2020.07, Commun Biol, 3:403.
[8] 第一作者(3/3),中科院一区TOP,Single-cell transcriptomics of blood reveals a natural killer cell subset depletion in tuberculosis. 2020.03, EBioMedicine, 53:102686.
[9] 第一作者(2/2),中科院一区TOP,Oncogenic HOXB8 is driven by MYC-regulated super-enhancer and potentiates colorectal cancer invasiveness via BACH1. 2020.01, Oncogene, 39(5):1004-17.
[10] 通讯作者(1/2),中科院二区,Global Screening of Genomic and Transcriptomic Factors Associated with Phenotype Differences between Multidrug-Resistant and -Susceptible Candida haemulonii Strains. 2019.12, mSystems, 4:e00459-19.
[11] 第一作者(2/3),中科院三区,Evolutionary, genetic, structural characterization and its functional implications for the influenza A (H1N1) infection outbreak in India from 2009 to 2017. 2019.10, Scientific Reports, 9(1):14690.
[12] 通讯作者,中科院二区TOP,LUADpp: an effective prediction model on prognosis of lung adenocarcinomas based on somatic mutational features. 2019.03, BMC Cancer, 19(1):263.
[13] 第一作者,中科院二区TOP,Evolution and Sequence Diversity of FhuA in Salmonella and Escherichia. 2018.10, Infection and Immunity, 86(11). pii: e00573-18.
[14] 通讯作者,中科院三区,Combination of Genetic Markers and Age Effectively Facilitates the Identification of People with High Risk of Preeclampsia in the Han Chinese Population. 2018.07, BioMed Res Int, 2018:4808046.
[15] 通讯作者(2/3),中科院一区TOP,PBRM1 restricts the basal activity of innate immune system through repressing RIG-I-like receptor signaling and is a potential prognostic biomarker for colon cancer. 2018.01, J Pathol, 244(1):36-48.
[16] 通讯作者(2/2),中科院三区,Improvement in prediction of prostate cancer prognosis with somatic mutational signatures. 2017.09, Journal of Cancer, 8(16):3261-3267.
[17] 通讯作者,中科院四区,Prediction of New Bacterial Type III Secreted Effectors with a Recursive Hidden Markov Model Profile-Alignment Strategy. 2017.08, Current Bioinformatics, 13(3):280-289.
[18] 通讯作者,中科院一区TOP,EBT: a statistic test identifying moderate size of significant features with balanced power and precision for genome-wide rate comparisons. 2017.05, Bioinformatics, 33(17):2631-2641.
[19] 通讯作者,中科院一区TOP(发表时),A global survey of bacterial type III secretion systems and their effectors. 2017.04, Environmental Microbiology, 19(10):3879-3895.
[20] 第一作者(2/2),中科院三区,PPero, a Computational Model for Plant PTS1 Type Peroxisomal Protein Prediction. 2017.01, PLoS One, 12(1):e0168912.
[21] 通讯作者(1/2),中科院二区TOP,Distribution and Evolution of Yersinia Leucine-Rich Repeat Proteins. 2016.07, Infection and Immunity, 84(8):2243-54.
[22] 第一作者,An empirical strategy to detect bacterial transcript structure from directional RNA-seq transcriptome data. 2015.05, BMC Genomics, 16:359.
[23] 通讯作者(1/2),Prediction of bacterial type IV secreted effectors by C-terminal features. 2014.01, BMC Genomics, 15:50.
[24] 第一作者(3/4),Analysis of banana transcriptome and global gene expression profiles in banana roots in response to infection by Race 1 and Race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense. 2013.12, BMC Genomics, 14:851.
[25] 第一作者,Effective identification of bacterial type III secretion signals using joint element features. 2013.04, PLoS ONE, 8(4):e59754.
[26] 通讯作者(1/2),T3_MM: a Markov model effectively classifies bacterial type III secretion signals. 2013.03, PLoS ONE, 8(3):e58173.
[27] 第一作者,T3DB: an integrated database for bacterial type III secretion system. 2012.04, BMC Bioinformatics, 13:66.
[28] 第一作者,High-accuracy prediction of bacterial type III secreted (T3S) effectors based on position-specific amino acid composition profiles. 2011.03,Bioinformatics, 27(6):777-784.
[29] 通讯作者(2/2),Characterization of evolutionarily conserved microRNAs in amphioxus. 2010.03, Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 8(1):10-21.
[30] 第一作者(2/2),Global characterization of Artemisia annua glandular trichome transcriptome using 454 pyrosequencing. 2009.10, BMC Genomics. 10: 456.
[31] 第一作者,Two oral HBx vaccines delivered by live attenuated Salmonella: both eliciting effective anti-tumor immunity. 2008.05, Cancer Letters, 263(1):67-76.
主编(1/2),Transcriptome Data Analysis: Methods and Protocols. 2018.03, Springer-Humana Press, ISSN: 1064-3745.